Wednesday 26 November 2014

thank you

Its been a little too long but I wanted to take the time to thank every one who joined me and was a part of my Ironman World Championship journey.
Family, friends, sponsors, training partners, coaches, the lot!

Kate Bevilaqua and Guy Crawford have been a part of my journey since early in 2013. Andy emailed Kate in regards to coaching me, however I was innocently unaware of this communication!
Kate and Guy guided me through 2013, my first year with a coach. I saw my fitness improve and in turn my strength and results. After entering Ironman I knew I could not do this alone and was excited to have their knowledge behind me for my first Ironman. After my successful season and Ironman results I didn't want to change anything and continued this year with another Ironman program provided by GKEndurance.

Thank you Kate and Guy for taking me from a participant to the podium and for very much being part of my journey.

Ruth Chang - Physiotherapist
I met super Ruth through Kate and Guy. Her ninja hands and needle skills punished me on a regular tuesday afternoon visit but I would not have it any other way! Ruth always had me in tip top shape through out the heavy training weeks when I was fatigued, leading up to races and of course the recovery. She taught me the importance of looking after your body and most importantly listen to your body. She even managed to keep me positive with some ITB issues before the great wall of China Marathon!

Super Ruth thank you for your support.

In July I joined the newline team after being exposed to the brand in China at the Great Wall Marathon. Andy and I made contact with David Biwer the Australasian Manager and I was provided some gear to train and race in! A mixture of running, cycling gear, compressions and warmer clothing certainly served their purpose over the heavy training period. I raced in the Newline two piece kit and loved it!
I look forward to being part of the Newline team in 2015 and happy they will keep me looking good!

As a commercial Interior Designer I have been exposed to Gerflor - Worldwide vinyl supplier to the Commercial and Residential Market.
Gerflor generously assisted me getting to the start line in Kona.
Their support was very much appreciated.

I spoke with Darryl Griffiths over the phone after I was told to contact him early this year. I gave him a brief history of my position and that I was participating in the Ironman World Champs and wanted to pick his brain to ensure I nailed my nutrition come race day as this plays such a big part. He gave me plenty of his time and knowledge that is so valuable. Andy and I met Darryl at Metaman earlier this year where more advice was given and taken onboard. I trained, recovered and raced with Shotz and felt confident come race day I had this portion of the race nailed!

I was introduced to Karl Hardy via Andy and when we realised I needed some fancy wheels to race in Kona there was no other choice! Karl provided me with some awesome fast wheels and I was confident with my choice. He is also responsible for the custom colours and name too, making it almost impossible to miss my bike in transition!

Armando Sports
I have always purchased my Brooks from Armando Sports after my sister worked there for a number of years. After going in to purchase my last pair for training and a fresh race pair I was very fortunate to have Armando sponsor me these shoes which I very much appreciate and so did my bank balance ;-)! 

Swim Smooth
Kate, Guy and Andy all convinced me to swim with Swim Smooth as the genius Paul Newsome would work his magic. And he did. I've never felt so good in the water! Most of all I actually enjoy the Wednesday morning red mist sets! Thank you for your encouragement and making me lead the lane ;-) 

Raphael Design Australia
To my boss Geoff, thank you for allowing me to chase my dreams and provide me with the flexibility at work to take the time off I needed to get to Kona this year. The support from my works mates is awesome and even more special as we are a small tight knit team. 

Training Buddies
You know who you are!
Sean, Jono, Macca. To be honest, its mostly the guys!! Of course Kate B, Guy, Ruth, Andy, Kate and Mark! Thank you if you have joined me or let me join you on a session. It sure beats being alone and I love the laughs and company!

Mark aka Twinny
My twin brother Mark. It was awesome to qualify with him for the Ironman World Champs and share the journey. Whilst we had different lead ups to the big day it is special to share the training days knowing you are both going to be part of a very special event. We believe we were also Australia's first fraternal twins to qualify which is also special. Stepping up from the 18-24 AG to the 25-29 was also intimidating but great knowing he was going through exactly what I was!
Something we will share together forever.

My younger sister. Also a physio and nerd so it was great to have another set of hands and brain to pick! Again I think she got much more enjoyment from finding the trigger points and needling than I did but every pin prick was very much appreciated, as was the company in the pool and gym. I had never been to the gym and felt very out of place but being with Kate was much better!

Mum and Dad
My biggest supporters. I love the support Mum and Dad give us kids at EVERY SINGLE RACE!! Their support and encouragement is amazing. Mum would cook meals on my biggest training week days and Dad would too provide massages! They follow every race and ensure they see you at every point possible, cheering as loudly as possible! Not only this, I have also had financial support and 'gifts' which are very much appreciated. 
I think the next race is for you!

Andy inspired me to enter my first half. He then inspired me to race my first Ironman. It was hard to tell him I want to race and the deal was we both can't do it. So he took a step back and supported me in 2013. This has continued to this year. I was very committed to a very big training program and when I had sessions to do he came second. For majority of this year I have been tired, grumpy or tired! Not much fun to be around I know! 
He has had to suffer and put up with the selfish, self consumed, moody Ironman athlete that I became but truth is I raced Kona for Andy. 
Originally this was not my dream, it was Andy's and after two very close finishes Andy fell just short. It was difficult to qualify and take my spot, and I can appreciate this was never the plan! I thought Hawaii would have been difficult trip for Andy but he soaked up every bit of the 10 days we experienced and was my rock. 
He had my broken bars sorted before I even knew they were broken, drove me around that island, came out on the bike when i dragged him out so I wasn't by myself and as always, calmed my nerves, carried my bags, had my bike ready to race and hogged the bed pre and post race ;-)
It was not the result I had hoped for but I hope I made you proud. That finishes medal is as much your as it is mine x I love you.